Player version update smite
Player version update smite

Shiva’s trident is emblazoned with the fire of Agni as he spins it around dealing damage, pulling in enemies and leaving behind a firewall at the edge.īliss – Allies gain a Movement Speed buff on passing the firewall.ĭestruction – Enemies suffer a Protection Reduction debuff on passing the firewall. On switching between states Shiva’s non-ultimate ability cooldowns are reduced by 2s. Each state provides benefits to himself and allies or hindrances to enemies. "Amplification effects: 50%" is begging for us to ask is it additive or multiplicative? (I believe it should remain being half and doubling the following step, as 3-3-3-3 would be the same damage as 2-3-2-3 if the amp was truly 1.Shiva cycles between the states of Bliss and Destruction by dealing damage to enemy gods with attacks and abilities. The easiest way, I agree, would be to say "Step 2 provides half the heal and damage of steps 1 and 3, and doubles the damage and heal of the following step". But the inverse or opposite of "+50% of its value" is "-50% of its value". The reason it's confusing is because the inverse or opposite of to half is to double. double, there would be little reason to ever use step 2 for damage except for the mediocre heal it would provide or the AoE increase.

player version update smite

If the amp was only +50% and not "the inverse of a half" a.k.a.

#Player version update smite Patch#

I watched the update video so I could clearly see step 2 was intended to double the effect of the next step and that step 2 was intended to do half the heal and damage of steps 2 and 3 at the same time.īut then I came to the reddit after reading his patch notes and there was lots of confusion about which combination of Tandava steps does the most damage. I disagree that the 2 amplifying itself is silly. I've tested all of this in jungle practice, bot matches, and custom player matches. It only says with damage to enemy gods with attacks and abilities does it progress. Samsara is also progressing when buffing allies with emblazoned sweep and Damaru's Tempo while in Bliss state, which the passive description doesn't indicate should be happening. Video of said issue: And if that's an intentional design choice, that NEEDS to be clarified on how that interaction works somewhere in his kit descriptions. The healing step, depending on whether Shiva is in Bliss or Destruction, can progress or subtract progress on Samsara, whether or not he hit anyone (ally or enemy), and the same thing happens with step 3.

player version update smite

But Steps 1 and 3 are being really awkward with the way it affects Samsara.

player version update smite

Shiva Tandava is being extremely weird with Samsara as well. If it's only during the first instance of damage from each ability, that should be clarified in the description of the passive, but would make no sense considering the current, and likely bugged, interaction between Samsara and Shiva Tandava (see next). See next bit about the ult damage and Samsara. Notably the second dash after meditating, and the dots provided by both the dash and emblazoned sweep. Not all instances of damage being dealt by abilities is progressing Samsara. This step also causes the next step to be amplified in radius, and also doubles the damage or healing of the next used step." I also find it extremely odd that it can amplify itself as well. I would suggest changing it to read something like "Deals 50% of the base damage and healing from Steps 1 and 3. It's in fact only 50% OF the base damage/healing amount for THAT step, with zero description on how much it actually amplifies within the ability description. Me and several friends got confused why the damage for the step after was being doubled when we thought it was only supposed to be a 50% increase since it didn't say by how much the healing and damage was actually being amplified.

player version update smite

The description on his ult for "Step 2" should be massively clarified.

Player version update smite